Consolidated Balance Sheet

(1,000 yen)

  2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
 Current assets      
  Cash deposit 9,612,254 9,545,508 8,367,784
  Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts and other
  Notes receivable, accounts receivable from completed construction contracts, Contract assets and other 2,683,049 3,493,874 3,127,594
  Electronically recorded monetary claims – operating 1,405,880 1,244,489 1,657,896
  Costs on uncompleted construction contracts and other 721,800 832,536 1,000,210
  Accounts receivable-other 348,216 453,004 716,331
  Other 80,166 74,930 417,463
  Allowance for loan losses -1,299 -1,443 -2,010
  Total current assets 14,850,067 15,642,901 15,285,271
 Noncurrent assets      
  Property, plant and equipment      
   Buildings and structures, net 276,593 270,011 274,360
   Machinery, equipment and vehicles, net 907,152 848,713 1,147,052
   Tools, furniture and fixtures, net 110,428 135,505 190,217
   Land 954,278 954,278 954,278
   Other, net 60,446 10,427 21,731
   Total property, plant and equipment 2,308,899 2,218,937 2,587,641
  Intangible assets      
   Goodwill 20,592 16,257 11,922
   Other 19,530 40,930 92,436
  Total Intangible assets 40,123 57,188 104,358
  Investments and other assets      
   Investment securities 280,263 315,274 632,069
   Deferred tax asset 95,814 129,880 41,633
   Other 117,442 409,770 419,089
   Allowance for doubtful accounts -11,112 -3,072 -3,072
   Allowance for investment loss
   Total investment and other assets 482,407 851,852 1,089,719
  Total noncurrent assets 2,831,430 3,127,978 3,781,719
 Total assets 17,681,498 18,770,879 19,066,990

(1,000 yen)

  2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
 Current liabilities      
  Notes payable, accounts payable for construction contracts and other 3,681,737 4,392,628 4,608,237
   Current portion of long-term loans payable 9,940 9,940 9,940
  Income taxes payable  189,149 206,100 30,906
  Advances received on uncompleted construction contracts
  Contract liability 128,586 203,459 300,777
  Provision for bonuses  108,096 113,091 118,840
  Provision for bonuses for directors (and other officers)  25,600
  Provision for warranties for completed construction 3,400 4,000 100
  Provision for loss on construction contracts  8,793 27,800 5,600
  Other 565,573 697,373 668,329
  Total Current liabilities  4,695,275 5,679,993 5,742,731
 Noncurrent liabilities      
  Long-term loans payable 19,880 9,940
  Net defined benefit liability 503,134 493,365 502,194
  Provision for stock benefits 62,455 68,682 88,219
  Other 100,548 51,500 44,240
  Total noncurrent liabilities 686,018 623,488 634,655
 Total liabilities 5,381,294 6,303,482 6,377,386

(1,000 yen)

(Net assets)
  2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Net assets      
 Shareholders’ equity      
  Capital stock 1,710,900 1,710,900 1,710,900
  Capital surplus 2,447,772 2,330,219 2,340,256
  Retained earnings 8,380,240 8,581,570 8,685,750
  Treasury stock -630,462 -557,014 -540,658
  Total shareholders’ equity 11,908,450 12,065,674 12,196,248
 Accumulated other comprehensive income      
  Valuation difference on available-for-sale securities 19,469 29,098 118,514
  Foreign currency translation reserve -8,621 -11,115 -12,002
 Total Accumulated other comprehensive income 10,848 17,983 106,512
 Subscription rights to shares 91,045 89,636 89,636
 Non-controlling interests 289,859 294,103 297,207
 Total net assets 12,300,204 12,467,397 12,689,604
Total Liabilities and net assets 17,681,498 18,770,879 19,066,990

Consolidated Balance Sheet for Three Years (Excel:14KB)