Consolidated income statement

(1,000 yen)

  2022/03 2023/03 2024/03
Net sales 14,817,057 18,317,876 20,207,106
Cost of sales 12,461,643 15,553,454 17,373,448
Gross profit 2,355,413 2,764,421 2,833,657
Selling, general and administrative expenses 1,888,857 2,111,326 2,312,721
Operating income 466,556 653,094 520,935
Non-operating income      
 Interest income 216 164 844
 Dividends income 9,757 8,333 9,712
 Exchange gain 6,116 5,243
 Other 35,564 28,148 31,952
 Total non-operating income 51,655 41,890 42,508
Non-operating expenses      
 Interest expenses 580 231 149
 Foreign exchange losses 5,140
 Other  1,457 229 377
 Total non-operating expenses 2,038 460 5,667
Ordinary income 516,173 694,524 557,777
Extraordinary income      
 Gain on sales of noncurrent assets   12,699 37,499 46,899
 Gain on sale of investment securities 1,235
 Total extraordinary income 13,935 37,499 46,899
Extraordinary loss      
 Loss on disposal of noncurrent assets 2,635 163
 Other 0
 Total extraordinary loss 2,635 163
current net income before tax 527,473 732,024 604,513
Income taxes-current 207,589 283,285 151,223
Income taxes-deferred -34,693 -39,229 61,228
Total income taxes 172,896 244,056 212,451
Net income 354,577 487,968 392,061
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests -3,214 5,143 4,004
Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent 357,792 482,824 388,057

Consolidated income statement for Three Years (Excel:13KB)